Tuesday, July 13, 2010

by the window...

cooling.  Quite the little family favourite...and quite possibly the easiest savoury pie ever!  I think it's safe to say it's a 'kiwi' specialty...egg and bacon pie!  Only in New Zealand would I dare to try a bought one - nowhere else comes close...except perhaps one cooling by the kitchen window!

And the gorgeous dish...another favourite!  A gift from my lovely Dad when last he was in Toulouse.  Although rather small, it's size is deceptive and it's uses and the creations that come out of it are endless!

I think lunch is ready for the next couple of days at least...if I can wait that long!   


  1. I can smell the deliciousness! My Mum makes the best bacon and egg pie too. They remind me of family picnics and the A&P show!

  2. Can I come to yours for lunch?

    This looks delicious Ingrid! x


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