Tuesday, August 29, 2017

miss molly

"Good Morning Miss Molly.  Did you have nice dreams girl?"
Our days would always start like this.

"Molly, what a lovely surprise." As she ran up the hall on hearing Peter come home from work, he'd open the door with these words.

And Dad's sofa...the best, especially good to snuggle in with Dad after a left over dinner snippet or a lick of the ice-cream stick.

Missing your wagging tail; the click, click, click of your paws on the floorboards; those beautiful big brown eyes and always inquisitive nose.

we love you to the moon and back...sweet dreams beautiful girl

{25 February 2004 - 27 June 2107}

The days have gone so fast, they've become months.  Our gorgeous girl put up such a brave fight with  the cancer that ravaged her body.  Not a day goes by without thinking of her, talking to her.  So grateful to the vets who nursed her and ultimately gave her another eight months of good health - so blessed to wander and explore with her, play ball and indulge her in marathon belly rubs!

These photos were taken in 2014 by the super lovely and talented Ashley Oostdyck
Moments we will treasure for ever...'we three' embarking on a new chapter.

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