Saturday, August 1, 2009


about my little boutique-paperie-to-be. I imagine it to be elegantly classic yet stylishly contemporary; beautiful yet fun...I imagine so much and yet find myself so deep in my dreams and hopes that finding the moments to create nestled amongst the clouds waiting to become realities. I yearn to think outside the square...and believe...
and then I'm lost in the sweet shadows these two little love birds cast and the possibilities they could be...


  1. Hey Ingrid - go girl!!! I can't wait to see your collections. I hope they are out for Springtime, my favourite time of the year.
    Those love birds are so cute ....
    Cheers, Karen

  2. Keep dreaming! Those birds are so sweet.

  3. Thank you both...I believe in dreams coming true (with a little hard work!) x


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