Sunday, August 16, 2009


I was wandering through this little blog and came across this sweet little set of miniature stamps. And on Friday they arrived on my doorstep...all the way from 'nothing elegant' in Korea. They are just so gorgeously cute...I can hardly wait to use them! My very first etsy that unforgivable or just amazing will power!


  1. Congratulations on your first Etsy! Its so cute - I think it looks like little squares of chocolate!
    I've only made one Etsy purchase too - a beautiful dragonfly collar for Patsy from Pretapawte. Very nice. I'm suprised too that I've had so much self control!!!
    Cheers, Karen

  2. Ooh lovely! Brilliant store that one! I am sure it will be the first of many Etsy purchases. Thanks for the mention!

  3. ooh what a delightful first purchase, i can't resist pretty stamps, hope you are well xxx


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