Tuesday, June 23, 2009

raindrops keep falling...

Although this afternoon they have disappeared to allow a beautiful rainbow to peep through the clouds along with the last of the day's sunshine. Miss Molly and I have been out for a lovely walk...admired the rejuvenated neighbourhood gardens and breathed in the fresh air. My how the flowers adore the rain!


  1. Oooh ... Lucky Molly! My 'hard working' assistant Patsy has spent the entire day in front of the heater. She has only taken a couple of very quick biscuit breaks! What a life! She's left me working all by myself today. Hurry up Spring!

  2. Sounds like a lovely afternoon! Hope you enjoyed the sunshine:)

  3. Alarna, the 'sprinkled' gardens glistening in the winter sunshine was indeed wonderful for the soul.


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