Wednesday, April 18, 2012


out of adversity great opportunities grow...{I hope}

Sometimes life throws unexpected 'somethings' at you or those you love...sometimes those 'somethings' are not in the least bit pleasant and they take all your physical and emotional energy.  Mostly though, these times, whilst difficult, pass.  And mostly, it is with the love, support and kindness of family...because that's what families do, or at least, that is what my family does...we look out for each other.  I am eternally grateful to be a part of such a close family - they are, and always will be, my world.

Often, when thoughts are gathered and the 'somethings' are broken down into 'fixable' pieces and the process begins to find that even keel once more, there are unexpected opportunities that arise.  As one door closes another opens after all.

Given that my little world has taken a bit of a battering of late, my little paperie has had to sit quietly to one side.  I hope that soon I may return to it and pour my heart and soul back into its creation.