Thursday, August 25, 2011

seaside stroll

It was a grey day, yet the sun kept trying to peek through the clouds and in that golden hour before twilight meets dusk, when it's still 'day time', there was this amazingly enchanting light.

There was a chill in the air, although it wasn't cold.  The breeze was brisk yet still so gentle.  The sea rolled in but with a calm rhythm.

As I turned to return from my stroll in the sand, back to reality...there was the prettiest of rainbows.  A magical moment when time stood still.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Oh my...I think I'm just a little more than smitten! much inspiration, sneak peeks into artist studios, the prettiest of gardens, famous places and so, so much more...but mostly everyday life of lovely people from all corners of the world.  I could wile away hours in this little space (sshhh...don't tell, but I have!).

I printed up a few of my instagram photos, just to see how they came out...I think I might make a colourful little garland out of them.

Oh, and the little collaboration, 'wait' by Sarah and Kylie is just the sweetest!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


pretty petals
brown paper packages tied with string {and ribbon}
postcards from afar

notebook by paper boat press / book wrap by loose.leaf paper